Video shows right-wing youth dancing with weapons, one of them repeatedly stabbing a picture of infant Ali Dawabsheh, who was killed in the Duma arson attack.
Elisha Ben Kimon, Elior Levy, Attila Somfalvi
Police said on Thursday that it had already launched an investigation into a video first aired on Channel 10 filmed at a right-wing couple's wedding in which guests are seen stabbing a photo of infant Ali Dawabsheh, who died in an arson attack on his home in Duma, believed to have been committed by radical right-wing Jews.
The Judea and Samaria Police said that an investigation was launched several days ago "into the many serious offenses displayed in the wedding video."The video of a wedding held in Jerusalem several weeks ago also shows guests dancing with guns, knives, and Molotov cocktails to a song quoting Judges 16:28, "O God, that I may be this once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes."
באדיבות: ערוץ 10
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The State Attorney approved the opening of a police investigation at the Judea and Samaria Police's Nationalistically-Motivated Crimes Unit, which will be investigating suspicions of incitement, among others. The groom is known to security services and has been arrested and questioned by the Shin Bet in the past about his involvement in so-called "price tag" activities. The owner of the venue where the wedding was held told Ynet that police knew of the wedding and deployed undercover officers to the event. "There are dozens of weddings like that every month," he said. "When the adults leave, the young guys always stay and start with these songs and dancing. These are teenagers. And police knew exactly what was going on here. To begin with, they flooded the venue with undercover cops and filmed and documented everything. In some of the cases, some of the teenagers were arrested outside the venue. My security guards asked the cops, who were in civilian clothes, who were they, and then they showed them their police ID." A guest at the wedding said he was shocked when he saw the teens' actions. "I've been coming to these weddings for several years now but this was a shocking spectacle. The songs are the same songs, but the hatred and the weapons, along with the photos of Dawabsheh, were crossing a red line. These teens are really hate-filled."The guest expressed concern for the image of the religious-Zionist sector. "I really hope this story won't set us 20 years back."
Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir, who represents one of the Jewish suspects held in connection with the Duma arson, told Ynet on Thursday morning: "I was at the wedding. No one realized these were photos of a member of the Dawabsheh family. You have to understand, the photos were the size of an A4 page. The minute I realized (what was happening) - I was ashamed. I think this is foolish. "But I also see what's going on: The Shin Bet, aided by people from the Yesha Council, are simply diverting the discussion from the torturing (allegedly done to the Jewish suspects) to the video, talking about it as if that was the most important thing. "Whoever waved the photo of the baby and stabbed it several times is an idiot, he's stupid. No doubt. But this won't sweep the torture under the rug." Members of the Dawabsheh family were outraged and shocked by the video, and said they are considering taking legal action against those seen in the video. "I demand the defense establishment to catch the people in the video and put them in jail. To me, these people are not even human," said Hussein Dawabsheh, the grandfather of Ali Dawabsheh, who was killed in the attack, and his brother Ahmad, who was seriously wounded. "What bothers me the most is the hatred towards Ali, who hasn't done anything to them. Isn't it enough, what was done to him?" Ahmad Dawabsheh was transferred on Thursday morning from the Pediatrics Department to the Rehabilitation Department at the Sheba Medical Center in Be'er Sheva. "He hasn't seen the new department yet because he slept all morning after having cried all night," the grandfather said.Source: Police investigating wedding video on suspicion of incitement
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