A wedding shoot is one that you'd want to be perfect. But how many really ending up hiding their wedding albums so that no one can get their hands on it because it's just so so bad?! Don't answer… the number's way too large.
Well, this Singaporean couple had a completely different idea. They actually took to social media to share the photos of their wedding that have gone so awry, they're hilariously good. So much so, that the post and the photos have fone viral.
Jaclyn Ying put up a detailed post on how the couple hired a "pretty reputable bridal shop" for the wedding do, and the package included photography on the wedding day. The catch? The couple could not choose their photographer, but they were assured that "the standard of the talent pool was consistent".
However, Ying, an education executive, was shocked when the photographs of the most important event of the couple's lives came in.
"I was in disbelief. I cried too. A lot," she told The Straits Times.
But kudos to the couple's sense of humour and sportiness to have found the whole affair, quite amusing. Albeit belatedly.
This is what Ying wrote on the post:
So, what do you do when you finally receive your actual wedding day photos and find yourself sorely disappointed in them?
Get angry? Check.Shed a few tears over them? Done.Post some of the best (of the worst) on social media for amusement? Absolutely!
Here's the lowdown – we got one of those "bao ka liao" wedding packages that included actual day photography from a pretty reputable bridal shop. Before we signed on, we were told that while we couldn't choose our photographer, the standard of the talent pool was consistent. Naturally (and being Singaporean), we asked, "sure annot". And were promptly shown a portfolio of actual day photos.
They looked alright, and so we signed on thinking, "okay la hor, how bad can they be."
It's bad guys. Like, first-date-and-you-clog-the-toilet-with-your-pangsai bad. Or, trust-a-fart-and-a-bit-of-poop-comes-out bad. (I'm not saying any of those things happened to me before)
Anyway, we're looking for some redress from the shop at the moment, but nothing is going to take away the fact that our wedding photos by this dude are pretty much ruined. What's more, he was our only "pro" photog for that day. This stag worked solo, man.
Don't take this the wrong way though – this is not a flame and shame post. We just wanted to share some of these hilariously bad photos with everyone, so sorry ar if your unglam face is in this.
Last points:– I sumpah/swear I never do any extra edits to the photos. Everything here (colour, lighting, cropping etc) is "as is" from the DVD the bridal shop gave us.– Bride-to-be friends: If you want to know the deets (bridal shop/photographer's name etc), let me know in private and I will point you away from them.– Wedding guests: If you have any nice (don't worry, our "pro" photog here set the bar quite low) photos, please share them with us through Whatsapp, Dropbox etc!
Enjoy the photos!
Check out the photos here. (You need to be logged in to Facebook to view the public post)
After this post went viral, it seems the photographer that day, Chung Siew Goh, responded to Ying's post with one of his own. Saying:I am the photographer on that day…..Acouple long 10hrs hard work..for this coupleEdit 900 plus photo for them they use less than 20 pic to URGE not SATISFY wanted to refund cash paid ..but they already collected those photos NOW put up in media to show the whole world and spoil our Reputation which no REASON which not Fair to us.."
Not sure this works as a valid explanation, but you do know there are multiple sides to every story.
Source: Newlyweds share disastrous wedding photo shoot; post goes viral
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