Sunday, May 29, 2016

Police identify couple and photographer

Summary: Mysuru: Police have identified the couple involved in the photo shoot in the restricted area of the Mysore Palace. City Armed Reserve ACP V Shylendra is questioning employees of the Mysore Palace Board and police personnel stationed at the Palace. A person from Tamil Nadu posted the photograph on Facebook, with the caption 'Lucky Couple'.Deputy commissioner C Shikha, also executive officer of the Mysore Palace Board, had directed police to probe the incident. A police officer said speaking to the couple and the groom's parents will help them identify the official who gave permission for the photo shoot.As the couple's phones are allegedly switched off, police are likely to visit their home to get details.Mysore Medical College director BG Indiramma, who was director of the Palace Board when the incident took place, denied giving anyone permission for photography in the Durbar Hall. They have also identified the photographer and are waiting to get their versions.Police sus pect it was a pre-wedding photo shoot of the son of a former IAS officer, and that the retired bureaucrat might have used his influence to have it in the Durbar hall in February.Although there is no rule prohibiting photography on the palace premises, police and palace board staff prevent visitors from clicking photographs - there are boards banning photography inside the palace.The incident came to light after the photograph of the couple was published on the photographer's website.

Mysuru: Police have identified the couple involved in the photo shoot in the restricted area of the Mysore Palace. They have also identified the photographer and are waiting to get their versions.Police suspect it was a pre-wedding photo shoot of the son of a former IAS officer, and that the retired bureaucrat might have used his influence to have it in the Durbar hall in February.Although there is no rule prohibiting photography on the palace premises, police and palace board staff prevent visitors from clicking photographs - there are boards banning photography inside the palace.The incident came to light after the photograph of the couple was published on the photographer's website. A person from Tamil Nadu posted the photograph on Facebook, with the caption 'Lucky Couple'.Deputy commissioner C Shikha, also executive officer of the Mysore Palace Board, had directed police to probe the incident.

City Armed Reserve ACP V Shylendra is questioning employees of the Mysore Pala ce Board and police personnel stationed at the Palace. A police officer said speaking to the couple and the groom's parents will help them identify the official who gave permission for the photo shoot.As the couple's phones are allegedly switched off, police are likely to visit their home to get details.Mysore Medical College director BG Indiramma, who was director of the Palace Board when the incident took place, denied giving anyone permission for photography in the Durbar Hall.. .


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Source: Police identify couple and photographer

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