Saturday, June 25, 2016

This 9-year-old Wedding Photographer Is What Every Couple Wants on Their Wedding Day

What were you doing when you were 9-year-old? Probably playing peek-a-boo or crying bovver that dress your mom wants you to wear. Well, Regina Wyllie is an established wedding photographer at the age of 9 who is in huge demand among couple who are getting hitched.

Her father, who is a photographer himself, is often requested by brides to bring along the exceptionally talented kid whenever he is out shooting for a wedding. Regina has been taking photos for the last five years now and her work can take your breath away.

Regina has already covered several bike races, fashion shoots and pre wedding shoots with her father. The ebst thing about the girl is that, she does not let her hobby affect her studies. When her school was organizing a photography competition, she was asked to give a talk on photography tips to her schoolmates.

She first picked up the camera when she was only three and according to her father since then she has never stopped. Regina, who always wanted to be a fashion designer, now feels that she can take photography as a full-fledged career, although she is sceptical about taking wedding photography. It was two years ago that Regina's talent became apparent to the world when a website picked up one of her photos for an advertisement that the little girl had taken while at work with her daddy.

Click next to see some of her works...

Source: This 9-year-old Wedding Photographer Is What Every Couple Wants on Their Wedding Day

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