1/05/2017 ISO 1200 Magazine 0 Comments

Dpi, ppi, dots per inch, points per inch, lines per inch, these are confusing for designers and photographers and printers alike. Here Thomas Kuoh attempts to explain what it means and if your camera has enough megapixels to handle it.
Your camera uses pixels, the printer prints in dots, You can think of them as the same thing, they are singular points of color data. If you have a 1in x 1in image at 100 dpi, how many dots do you have in that inch? 10,000 total dots. Simple right? So how many dots in a 42 mega pixel sensor? 42,000,000 of course.
billboards = 15 dpi Screens = 72-100dpi Magazine = 150dpi Fine art print = 240dpi Retina Screen = 300dpi About Thomas Kuoh:

Thomas Kuoh Photography is a commercial photography studio in the San Francisco Bay Area. Specializing in Advertising and Catalog photography for various products and services, including Home Furnishing, Luxury Goods, Interiors, Food, Lifestyle. Please visit www.kuohphotography.com for more info.
Text, image and video via Kuoh Photography
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Does Size Matter? All You Need To Know About Print Resolution
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