Saturday, August 6, 2016

Bride sues photographer after they lose half their snaps and NICKS others off Facebook

Wendy Chambers bad wedding photosCATERS

Wendy Chambers was unhappy with the unflattering photos

Mum-of-three Wendy was left devastated after she received just 312 of the 1,200 promised photographs of her Big Day.

And the ones she did receive were poor quality and "unflattering".

Important photos such as shots of her family and her getting ready before the ceremony were also missing.

The snapper's memory card had got corrupted, but instead of admitting what happened, she stole some of Wendy's family's photos and passed them off as her own.

Wendy Chambers bad wedding photoCATERS

Wendy was upset by some of the 'unflattering' snapsRelated articles

Bad wedding photosCATERS

Some wedding photos were too dark too

Wendy told The Sun: "It wasn't until after that we realised some of the pictures had been stolen from Facebook – they were pictures that my family had taken.

"In one of the photos it was obvious that she had stolen it – in the original she is bent down taking the photograph herself and she then cropped herself out before sending it to us."

Wendy told The Sun: "When I found out she'd lost so many photos from our ceremony I was absolutely heartbroken, I cried all the way to work. 

Even the pictures we did have were terrible – they're so dark I can barely see us.

"In some of them it looked like I have fake tan on and I don't even wear it."

They had found "professional photographer" Lesley-Jane Myers, who advertised on Facebook as Pheonix Jane.

After meeting her and seeing her work, they snapped her up for £400 to photograph their wedding, which took place in April last year.

After only providing a quarter of the snaps she promised, Lesley-Jane Myers reportedly said sorry and gave her a cheque for £150.

Wendy chambers bad wedding photosCATERS

One shot of Wendy's first dance

But the damage was already done and after getting advice online from a 'wedding scammers' forum, the couple took her to court. 

Wendy and Michael won and were awarded £1,039.50 in April at Barnsley County Court.

But despite their win, Wendy says it won't bring back her wedding photos.

She met hubby Michael in 2014 and got engaged after a whirlwind three-month romance.

Bad wedding photoCATERS

Snap of the speeches

She said: "Michael, 43, and I met in 2014 and fell madly in love. He got on really well with my three children and we couldn't have been happier. 

"Later on that year in the December, Michael was performing as an Elvis impersonator in a local working mens' club when he got me up on stage and suddenly dropped down on one knee. 'Will you marry me?' he asked nervously. 

"'Yes'! I beamed back at my future husband. I couldn't believe it! After only being together for three months it had been a whirlwind relationship."

She told The Sun she still has her dress but feels that it would;t be the same if she posed for the photos again.

Bad wedding photographyCATERS

Wendy poses with her brother in photo

She now hopes to use her bad experience as a warning to other couples so they don't have the same fate.

She told Caters News: "Looking back through my wedding album, there are blank spaces where our photos should be. 

"Instead of remembering the time as the best day of my life, all I can think about is how our photographer ruined our big day."

It comes after told how a man surprised his girlfriend with a proposal - and then wedding on an aeroplane.

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Source: Bride sues photographer after they lose half their snaps and NICKS others off Facebook

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